(Sus scrofa domesticus)
Pigs are widely misunderstood as sloppy, unintelligent, dirty, and lazy animals; "Sweat like a pig", "Lazy pig", "Greedy pig", and "Eat like a pig" are just some of the negative phrases we have come to accept as commonplace in our everyday language, but they couldn't be more wrong!
When you take the time to get to know a pig you will quickly learn that they are amazingly intelligent, social, sensitive, and (yes!) very clean animals, equally deserving of our love and attention as any other creature. Every pig deserves a good life where they can perform natural behaviours like rooting and foraging for food, wallowing in cool mud baths, cuddling with other pigs, and roaming outside of the confines of factory farm cages many sadly call home.
We have only a small number of pigs at Brockswood, but all are equally special!
Meet the Sheep

Forever in Our Hearts
Although these beautiful pigs are no longer with us and are missed so very much, they live on always in our hearts and minds. As long as we continue to speak their names and tell their stories, they are still with us and will never be forgotten!

Harry Trotter




